Comments on: Have feedback on Google? Bring it! Stuff Ron Gross Finds Interesting Sun, 02 Aug 2015 11:03:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: ripper234 Tue, 10 May 2011 00:25:58 +0000 @Yaron – from what I found there is a high priority bug open on this. I added your blog post to that bug’s comment trail … people seem to be working on it.

Also, to future readers of this post – it’s not my intent to collect all feedback on this comment thread, because this will become unmanagable FAST. Please put your feedback on user voice, and vote for other people’s feedback if you think it’s worthy. I will still try to help any individual user that comments here, but my priority is getting organized RANKED feedback so I can showcase it to people inside and prioritize the tasks.

By: Martin Sun, 08 May 2011 17:12:10 +0000 Awesome, there are many things that could be fixed with Google’s interfaces, it’s just hard to remember them now. Trying to report bugs before was always frustrating to find that users couldn’t actually do that at all.

I’m bookmarking your link, and will use it to try to report problems in the future as they come up.


@dcasp3r: Yes! There are so many problem with Gtalk. I use it a lot and like the concept, but there needs to be better options for fine-grained control of what will be the “active agent” and if maybe you want all the messages to be delivered no matter what.

By: ripper234 Sun, 08 May 2011 16:24:23 +0000 @Derrick – obviously ranking is very important, not just sending out suggestions to thin air. User Voice forces you to think about what’s most important to you, and not just send out a gazillion suggestions that will spam and overload the developers. Can’t you find just a few issues that are most troubling to you?

By: Derrick Posit Sun, 08 May 2011 16:10:39 +0000 My feedback

1. Never heard of this suggestion form.

2. Checked it out.

3. It says I’m only allowed to make 10 suggestions at a time.

4. It says if I want to make an 11th I have to decide which one I want to delete.

5. So to use this system I can’t just make suggestions, I have to rank them and figure which are most important.

6. That system has more to do with playing games than allowing for suggestions.

7. Why bother really.

8. Press the close button and move on, my 10 minutes thinking even about this was wasted.

By: dcasp3r Sun, 08 May 2011 13:11:02 +0000 well this is good news that you’ve seen the problem from the outside and have a mind to do something about it if you can from the inside — i love Google but could never figure out why there’s such neglect of user feedback. the problem is borderline corporate negligence at this point and makes no sense. as a first pet peeve issue for me there are two:

1. i left an employer who was using Google Apps and then had to do a factory reset on my droid when that google account was disabled — that is #epicfail someone’s asleep at the wheel on that one and i imagine at some point the apple fanboys will get wind of it

2. need support for multiple Google Talk accounts in fact speaking of Google’s pitiful managing of user feedback, read through this whole post? i don’t think the survivors of oceanic flight 815 even felt this cut off

By: Yaron Naveh Sat, 07 May 2011 21:59:46 +0000 If you can get this sorted out I’ll monitor your blog comments spam for a year:
