Comments on: This comes BEFORE your business logic! Stuff Ron Gross Finds Interesting Sun, 02 Aug 2015 11:03:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marcelo Lopez Sun, 09 Aug 2009 00:26:15 +0000 @Ron: I couldn’t agree more. Sadly, I’ve seen it ignored again and again. Some folks think after 20 years in the business, or because “I’ve built a system like this before” that they should just jump in and code like mad. Only to see the output require “Reengineering” not long thereafter, or even more sadly, carry on with the with the ill-advised coding output for who knows how many releases, before someone with enough guts to speak up about it.

Sometimes people will race for reasons I’ve mentioned above, others because the powers that be say,
We don’t want to document or design, we’re going agile, so we can pick that up as we go along”. Funny, I don’t recall anything in my training as a Scrum Master that said you couldn’t have a design-only sprint, or combination thereof, or heaven help us….a Testing-centric sprint.

By: Avish Fri, 24 Jul 2009 10:22:32 +0000 Pretty exhaustive list you got there. Kudos.

I wouldn’t require all of these to be in place before coding starts, but most of them should have easy answers (“er, I guess Rhino Mocks again”) or should be declared a non-problem (“we’ll decide on a communication mechanism if and when we need one, but right now we don’t”). Others really have to be there at day zero since they influence too much of the codebase to be added later (programming language of course, but also choice the of IoC solution and others).
