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Shards of Alara draft walkthrough (Bant)

Another day, another draft, another clan.

Pack 1

Pick 1

Battlegrace AngelTopan AsceticTidehollow ScullerKiss of the AmeshaDeathgreeter
Obelisk of BantSanctum GargoyleMarble ChaliceCathartic AdeptVolcanic Submersion
Resounding ThunderJhessian LookoutVithian StingerAgony Warp
My pick: The Angel is top tier (probablly constructed material too, not that I play). I don't see an obvious second pick here, so I'm not sure what the player I'm feeding will pick, but my bet is on Agony Warp, which is my enemy colors and thus perfect for me.
Battlegrace Angel

Pick 2

Hell's ThunderBant BattlemageTopan AsceticDrumhunterObelisk of Bant
Waveskimmer AvenResounding ScreamOutrider of JhessSigil BlessingRip-Clan Crasher
Thorn-Thrash ViashinoWild NacatlCourier's Capsule
My pick: Drumhunter is the pick here, by the raw card advantage, and it combos with the Angel (after attacking, it's power is 5!)

Pick 3

Invincible HymnSphinx's HeraldCorpse ConnoisseurMosstodonResounding Scream
Rip-Clan CrasherThorn-Thrash ViashinoMarble ChaliceLush GrowthGlaze Fiend
Elvish VisionarySigil Blessing
My pick: Another 5 power creature, looks like a fatty deck.

Pick 4

Rockcaster PlatoonDeathgreeterDruid of the AnimaSteelclad SerpentAngelsong
Cathartic AdeptKnight of the Skyward EyeGlaze FiendGustrider ExuberantComa Veil
Naya Panorama
My pick: I took the platoon here because it's a fatty and has a huge impact once it lives, but the druid might have been better to power this deck up.
Rockcaster Platoon

Pick 5

Dragon's HeraldFleshbag MarauderDeft DuelistViscera DraggerObelisk of Naya
CancelKederekt CreeperGlaze FiendWindwright MageResounding Roar
My pick: I've heard people complain about the high cost of these cyclers, and I don't understand - this card is very solid 2 for 1 card even without any cycling sugar included.
Resounding Roar

Pick 6

Esper CharmObelisk of NayaMosstodonComa VeilBant Panorama
Viashino SkeletonGrixis PanoramaBloodthorn TaunterYoked Plowbeast
My pick: I like the obelisks but can't resist the temptation of another efficient prehistoric animal.

Pick 7

Brilliant UltimatumRockcaster PlatoonDregscape ZombieVolcanic SubmersionSoul's Grace
Vectis SilencersRidge RannetSighted-Caste Sorcerer
My pick: Nothing here I really want, because having two Platoons in one deck seems too much. In retrospective, I should have picked Ridge Rannet beacuse of its cycling ability, and this pick didn't make the deck.
Sighted-Caste Sorcerer

Pick 8

Etherium AstrolabeMarble ChaliceOutrider of JhessRidge RannetBanewasp Affliction
Rip-Clan CrasherViashino Skeleton
My pick: I ran out of white and green cards, and the riders seems to go along with the exalted angel
Outrider of Jhess

Pick 9

DeathgreeterObelisk of BantMarble ChaliceCathartic AdeptJhessian Lookout
Vithian Stinger
My pick: Still unsure if my 3rd color is blue or red, I take the strong Stinger/pinger.
Vithian Stinger

Pick 10

Bant BattlemageResounding ScreamOutrider of JhessRip-Clan CrasherThorn-Thrash Viashino
My pick: Nothing good to pick here, I go with the weak battlemage because it can fly up my heavy-hitters.
Bant Battlemage

Pick 11

Invincible HymnSphinx's HeraldMarble ChaliceGlaze Fiend
My pick:
Marble Chalice

Pick 12

AngelsongCathartic AdeptGlaze Fiend
My pick:

Pick 13

Glaze FiendWindwright Mage
My pick:
Windwright Mage

Pick 14

Viashino Skeleton
My pick:
Viashino Skeleton

Pack 2

Pick 1

Brilliant UltimatumTidehollow ScullerTower GargoyleRhox War MonkMosstodon
GodtoucherCloudheath DrakeExecutioner's CapsuleCall to HeelGoblin Mountaineer
Resounding SilenceElvish VisionaryGift of the GargantuanSigil Blessing
My pick: The Monk is as efficient as they get, grab any you see if you're in the right colors. Resounding Silence is also a good pick, as it removes practically anything (without shroud), but my deck could use cheap efficient creatures.
Rhox War Monk

Pick 2

Cruel UltimatumFatestitcherPuppet ConjurerBant CharmVolcanic Submersion
Goblin MountaineerLush GrowthSkeletal KathariYoked PlowbeastDeft Duelist
Goblin DeathraidersCathartic AdeptResounding Scream
My pick: Bant Charm is tempting, because it virtually removes any creature for 3 mana, plus has some interesting alternatives. Nevertheless, Fatesticher is reusable in more way than one, so I pick it.

Pick 3

Jhessian InfiltratorProtomatter PowderArcane SanctumUndead LeotauShadowfeed
Call to HeelAkrasan SquireCourier's CapsuleJund PanoramaTidehollow Strix
Dragon FodderSanctum Gargoyle
My pick: A bit wimpy, but this cheap unblockable could be boosted by Exalted and deliver the final points of damage to an opponent.
Jhessian Infiltrator

Pick 4

Hell's ThunderScavenger DrakeKiss of the AmeshaBant PanoramaSavage Hunger
GodtoucherSpell SnipRidge RannetYoked PlowbeastWindwright Mage
Goblin Deathraiders
My pick: No interesting spells, but unlike most of my previous drafts I haven't picked up a single obelisk so this comes just in time.
Bant Panorama

Pick 5

Salvage TitanMighty EmergenceBloodthorn TaunterKnight of the Skyward EyeDragon Fodder
Waveskimmer AvenSoul's FireOnyx GobletRelic of ProgenitusObelisk of Naya
My pick: I never play "Win more" cards so Emergence is out of the question even though it goes with my theme. I took another Exalted, but ended up not playing it because I had more interesting choices at that mana cost.
Waveskimmer Aven

Pick 6

Sigiled PaladinGrixis CharmSangrite SurgeBant PanoramaCall to Heel
Yoked PlowbeastExcommunicateSighted-Caste SorcererWild Nacatl
My pick: This guy is another story - it's costed just right to start the offensive and it's effective late game as well.
Sigiled Paladin

Pick 7

Archdemon of UnxRockcaster PlatoonViashino SkeletonEsper PanoramaDeathgreeter
Resounding RoarTidehollow StrixCathartic Adept
My pick: I took the fixer over the Roar, preferring the consistency.
Esper Panorama

Pick 8

Gather SpecimensShadowfeedUndead LeotauSoul's MightOnyx Goblet
Guardians of AkrasaBone Splinters
My pick: I like this "wall" more than most other similar walls because it's effective late game as well, if you play the exalted game and attack alone.
Guardians of Akrasa

Pick 9

Brilliant UltimatumGodtoucherCloudheath DrakeCall to HeelGoblin Mountaineer
Sigil Blessing
My pick: A close call here, the blessing is very strong. I end up picking the drake for lack of fliers and its 3/3 body.
Cloudheath Drake

Pick 10

Goblin MountaineerLush GrowthSkeletal KathariCathartic AdeptResounding Scream
My pick:
Resounding Scream

Pick 11

Protomatter PowderUndead LeotauShadowfeedSanctum Gargoyle
My pick: Another efficient package - I think many Alara cards might be slightly over the usual power curve.
Sanctum Gargoyle

Pick 12

Savage HungerSpell SnipGoblin Deathraiders
My pick:
Spell Snip

Pick 13

Mighty EmergenceBloodthorn Taunter
My pick:
Mighty Emergence

Pick 14

Yoked Plowbeast
My pick: Yay, a solid 14-th pick! (for this deck especially)
Yoked Plowbeast

Pack 3

Pick 1

Sedraxis SpecterSkeletonizeTidehollow ScullerScavenger DrakeObelisk of Esper
Spell SnipWaveskimmer AvenAngelsongWelkin GuideRip-Clan Crasher
Sanctum GargoyleCancelElvish VisionaryViashino Skeleton
My pick: A weak first pick, nothing to write home about.
Waveskimmer Aven

Pick 2

Tar FiendThunder-Thrash ElderJund BattlemageRhox War MonkCourier's Capsule
ShadowfeedCloudheath DrakeHissing IguanarAngelsongEsper Panorama
Vectis SilencersObelisk of BantViscera Dragger
My pick: Now we're talking!
Rhox War Monk

Pick 3

Woolly ThoctarBull CerodonMighty EmergenceCloudheath DrakeShadowfeed
Volcanic SubmersionResounding WaveGift of the GargantuanCylian ElfCourt Archers
Oblivion RingOnyx Goblet
My pick: I loved it in Lorwyn and I'm loving it now. So far, whenever Wizards give us planeswalkers they gave us the O-ring.
Oblivion Ring

Pick 4

Puppet ConjurerBehemoth's HeraldAngelic BenedictionViscera DraggerJungle Weaver
Steelclad SerpentDeft DuelistHissing IguanarAgony WarpIncurable Ogre
My pick: I take this delayer instead of the cycler, already have a number of high CC spells.

Pick 5

Sedraxis SpecterSangrite SurgeDragon's HeraldBloodthorn TaunterDeathgreeter
Jungle WeaverElvish VisionaryDruid of the AnimaSkeletal KathariTidehollow Strix
My pick: Still no obelisks but this druid is just as good.
Druid of the Anima

Pick 6

Minion ReflectorDregscape ZombieBanewasp AfflictionSteelclad SerpentNaturalize
Thorn-Thrash ViashinoRakeclaw GargantuanSavage HungerCancel
My pick: I'm not decided about Minion Reflector. It can annoy, but not enough, and in this deck I probablly won't have the 2 mana to activate it. I usually don't draft artifact or enchantment removal, but the versatility and low cost of Naturalize convinces me.

Pick 7

Knight of the White OrchidFiligree SagesViashino SkeletonSoul's MightRip-Clan Crasher
Bloodthorn TaunterRelic of ProgenitusDeft Duelist
My pick: Didn't really mean to use it, but I saw no real alternative.
Filigree Sages

Pick 8

Skeletal KathariShore SnapperUndead LeotauIncurable OgreResounding Scream
Gustrider ExuberantMarble Chalice
My pick:
Gustrider Exuberant

Pick 9

Sedraxis SpecterScavenger DrakeSpell SnipAngelsongWelkin Guide
Viashino Skeleton
My pick: I think Spell Snip is good, even though so far I've always cycled it rather than use it.
Spell Snip

Pick 10

Tar FiendShadowfeedCloudheath DrakeAngelsongVectis Silencers
My pick:

Pick 11

Mighty EmergenceShadowfeedCylian ElfOnyx Goblet
My pick:
Cylian Elf

Pick 12

Puppet ConjurerBehemoth's HeraldSteelclad Serpent
My pick:
Puppet Conjurer

Pick 13

Sangrite SurgeDragon's Herald
My pick:
Sangrite Surge

Pick 14

Banewasp Affliction
My pick:
Banewasp Affliction

So, what have we here?
  • 1 Battlegrace Angel
  • 1 Drumhunter
  • 2 Mostodons
  • 1 Rockcaster Platoon
  • 2 Rhox Raw Monks
  • 1 Fatesticher
  • 1 Jhessian Infiltrator
  • 1 Waveskimmer Aven
  • 1 Sigiled Paladin
  • 1 Guardians of Akrasa
  • 1 Cloudheath Drake
  • 1 Sanctum Gargoyle
  • 1 Yoked Plowbeast
  • 1 Druid of the Anima
  • 1 Resounding Roar
  • 1 Angelsong (for the cycling, mostly)
  • 2 Spell snips
  • 1 Oblivion Ring
  • 1 Excommunicate
  • 1 Naturalize
  • 1 Bant Panorama
  • 5 Islands
  • 5 Forests
  • 6 Plains
Game 1 - Rhox kicks on turn 3, to be followed by a turn 5 Angel and game over.
Game 2 - Drumhunts is simply insane, drawing me about 7 cards and drowning my opponent. Platoon finishes the game.
Game 3 - I delay the game with Fatesticher until Platoon shows up and closes the deal.
What I like about this block is that you don't have to pick a single theme and stick by that alone, there's a lot of bleeding through the colors. While my colors here are Bant's, I have a nice Naya thing going with Drumhunter without playing a single red card.
* This walkthrough was created by Create Your Own Magic Draft Walkthrough

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