Man, I never get to play Grixis. Until today, that is.
Pack 1
Pick 1
4 strong red cards in this 4 pack - Skeletonize, Naya Charm, Bull Cerodon, and the less powerful Vithian Stinger. This gave me a strong initial feeling to stay the hell away from red, to avoid fighting over it with my neighbours. However, these was nothing in the other colors even remotely 1st pick material.
And then it hit me - if I send the guys to my left Naya Charm & Bull Cerodon, at least one of them will play Naya. Naya is 2 blocks away from Grixis, even though they share a color (it's virtually impossible not to share a color with anyone in Alara).
I take the highly effective Skeletonize and plan on a Grixis deck.
My pick:
Pick 2
Drafting is always about balancing the signals you send with the signals you receive. In this pack, There were signals to Bant and Jund, but no Grixis. Nevertheless, I gambled and insisted on drafting Dregescape Zombie instead of taking the Thunder-Thrash Elder or switching to another tribe.
My pick:
Pick 3
Success! It looks like someone to my right wants me to play Grixis after all. I take the Ogre and keep the strong Naya signals going to my left.
My pick:
Pick 4
Another drege. I feel more comfortable picking this one 4th than my 2nd pick.
My pick:
Pick 5
My pick:
Pick 6
Another general for the Unearth army.
My pick:
Pick 7
My pick:
Pick 8
I usualy play the Dragger even when not in Grixis, this is my first chance at actually building a Grixis deck - of course its in it!
(Note the Memory Erosion, we'll come back to it later)
My pick:
Pick 9
On the other hand, I never play the leouto, it always seems out of place. But it might play better in Grixis (and there's nothing else worth considering besides Coma Veil).
My pick:
Pick 10
I choose the Silencers instead of hate drafting, because I'm only playing the guy 4 seats away from me. Fat chance Windwright Mage will make it all the way there.
My pick:
Pick 11
My pick:
Pick 12
My pick:
Pick 13
My pick:
Pick 14
Pack 2
Pick 1
3 options here in varying degrees of viability. Maga Spray and Blister Beetle are good cards, but I prefer the long term control of Blood Cultist.
My pick:
Pick 2
Woot, I can build the army of darkness! A quick count shows 5 zombies and skeletons already (counting the one generated by Skeletonize, of course).
My pick:
Pick 3
Not sure this way the right decision, I picked the Iguanar here even though I had 0 mana fixers so far.
My pick:
Pick 4
My pick:
Pick 5
My pick:
Pick 6
Finally after all the beetles I pass, I get to keep one.
My pick:
Pick 7
The value of both the skeleton and the zombie in this pack is slightly increased because I have the Death Baron. I could go either way here, perhaps it was better to take the Kathari as I have only 1 flier so far!
My pick:
Pick 8
This is exactly the number one reason Leotau and other Unearth creeps play so much better in Grixis.
My pick:
Pick 9
My pick:
Pick 10
I find myself often drafting Swerve but never playing it! Probablly this means something.
The usually great Dawnray Archer is just a 2/2 exalted in this deck, and I already have 2 Leotaus.
My pick:
Pick 11
My pick:
Pick 12
My pick:
Pick 13
My pick:
Pick 14
Pack 3
Pick 1
No comments.
My pick:
Pick 2
My pick:
Pick 3
Another Connoisseur is tempting but I prefer the growing flier at the moment.
My pick:
Pick 4
Lucky, being fed well from my right!
My pick:
Pick 5
My pick:
Pick 6
His black ability is the most relevant one anyway.
My pick:
Pick 7
A second Agny Warp is exactly what this deck needed!
My pick:
Pick 8
A chance for another flier that can be 4/3 if The Master is in play.
My pick:
Pick 9
My pick:
Pick 10
Volcanic Submerssion would have been better than hate drafting here. Or not.
My pick:
Pick 11
I can't chance this getting to my opponent, it kills my deck.
My pick:
I’m rather pleased with this draft. I haven’t played Aggro in a while, and this is a chance to practice. The funny thing is I played against a rather bad deck. Game one ended in about 5 turns, with a full assult by an army of undeads lead by the Baron. In game two, surprise surprise, my opponent played Memory Erosion! Against an Unearth deck!
Most spells I played gave me additional Unearth creatures, and although it took a bit more time (I got to 10 cards in my library), he couldn’t resist the never ending parade from the grave.
A Quantum Immortal » Blog Archive » Another draft walkthough, Grixis:
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16/1/09, 15:44