I haven’t found any walkthrough yet for Shards of Alara, so I wanted to write one, even though I only drafted the set a couple of times and only on Net Draft. I also noticed that many draft walkthrough I see are not visual, so a person who doesn’t know the new set yet has to find the cards to understand what’s going on. A little bit of programming, and I created the Magic Draft Walkthrough Creator – anyone can just upload a saved replay from Net Draft and get a full visual walkthrough template. So without further delays, here is my humble first walkthrough for a Shards draft.
Pack 1
Pick 1
My pick: Jund is a very strong clan, and I've seen some Devour 2 creatures get to 10/10. Grixis Charm is sweet but not a first pick here.
Pick 2
My pick: Nothing in this pack beats the efficiency of Executioner's Capsule. While less powerful with all the multicolored spells, Dark Banishing it still very good (even if it's not a pure instant) .
Pick 3
My pick: Probablly not strictly the best card in the pack, the Devour 2 on Thorn-Thrash Viashino looks promising. A couple of turns worth of the battlemage, and this baby will be huge.
Pick 4
My pick: I like to grab in-color obelisks whenever I can. This builds a strong mana base and opens the possibility for a fourth color if I see anything worth while. Besides, nothing else in this pack I want.
Pick 5
My pick: Mostodon is a solid pick, it triggers the various 5-power goodness if I happen to grab any and it's single green mana makes it easier to put other heavy color cards in, knowning I'll always be able to cast something while waiting for my colors.
Pick 6
My pick: In retrospective it's possible I should have picked Sangrite Surge to go on some flyer I pick up, but here I chose the solid but otherwise unexciting Carrion Thrash (although one has to remember it plays along with Devour to bring back your dudes)
Pick 7
My pick: Another mistake here, going to a double-white 7 CC creature instead of the in-color cycler Jungle Weaver. Live and learn.
Pick 8
My pick: Nothing good in this pack, so I continue my excursion into white with the cycler.
Pick 9
My pick: I take the obvious fixer here, I don't care much for haste-givers and it can't power up Devour creatures if it's sacrificed to them.
Pick 10
My pick: Nice! A 10-th pick obelisk in my colors. This might make it possible to splash white if want.
Pick 11
My pick: Woot, another obelisk. I just can't get enough, though I probablly won't play them all.
Pick 12
My pick: I take yet another one, it has two of my colors if I decide to include white. Not sure it will happen, but Angelsong doesn't seem to do a lot for my deck.
Pick 13
My pick: Less trashy card.
Pick 14
Pack 2
Pick 1
My pick: I'm conflicted on Goblin Assault, yet another Jund-enabler (even though its critters might die easily). Still, 2 damage to everything at instant speed plus the versatility makes it impossible not to pick Jund Charm.
Pick 2
My pick: Another mistake, I took the druid here over the stinger. How many fixers must a man play? The druid is not a bad card for me, but the pinger trumps it and combos with other damage dealers I will have.
Pick 3
My pick: Another Jund bomb - 3 mana for a combined 6/6, that can be sacrificed for much profit. Naya battlemage is another solid card here, but I have some good removal so I can live without the tapper.
Pick 4
My pick: Now that's what I'm talking about. All this draft I'm waiting for more Thorn-Thrash Viashno, and here they come. This is a kind of multilpication thing - take enough of factor A (token generators) and enough of factor B (strong devourers) so you reap the huge benefits.
Pick 5
My pick: I have a lack of fliers, and this guy will grow large fast if I start eating up my other dudes.
Pick 6
My pick: I'm assuming I'll always have some kind of body, so this will mostly be a 3-CC instant removal for at least 2-3 damage.
Pick 7
My pick: Removal - you grab it even if it's medicore or worse.
Pick 8
My pick: Lucky 3rd Viashno. These guys will party.
Pick 9
My pick: I don't have too many high CC creatues, and this one fill the curve with a fat 5/5 body.
Pick 10
My pick: Nothing here is playable, so I cut the stronger card.
Pick 11
My pick:
Pick 12
My pick: I'm unsure if I'll have enough large creatures, but it's playable and it produces mana (albit colorless).
Pick 13
My pick:
Pick 14
My pick:
Pack 3
Pick 1
My pick: Some tempting cards here, from Naya Charm (a strong finisher, but I'm not sure I'm white), and Qasali Ambusher which just looks cool but again is off my colors. Then I see Infest - dillema over.
Pick 2
My pick: First card in the pack, first pick. Another battlemage to feed the hunger.
Pick 3
My pick: Nothing exciting here, so I pick the 4/4 body.
Pick 4
My pick: I don't have too many combat tricks, and even without the cycling option this is nice.
Pick 5
My pick: I won't play a 3rd Carrion Thrash, so I settle for another Firestoker.
Pick 6
My pick: While not the best of removals, it takes care of anything and I have some critters I wouldn't mind sacing, including token saporlings.
Pick 7
My pick: A late blood cultist!
Pick 8
My pick: In-color obelisk to complete my collection.
Pick 9
My pick:
Pick 10
My pick: Another Viashino, I've lost count already.
Pick 11
My pick:
Pick 12
My pick:
Pick 13
My pick:
Pick 14
My pick:
Sadly I don't have war stories or the deck I ended up building, I didn't think I'd be writing a walkthrough. Will do better next time.
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