13/4/10, 14:30
After more than a year of work, we have finally released Delver beta – a “social shopping platform”.
You’re more than welcome to check it out at http://delver.com/
We are still in “closed beta”, which means you need an invite to get in (but can then forward invites to your friends).
If you want one, drop me a line with your email.
Big big thanks to everyone in our team for making it happen!
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12/4/10, 0:34
Still in beta (not announced on the SO blog yet). A shirt is $12, shipping to Israel is $11 fixed price + $4 per shirt. Let me know if you want one and we can do a shipment together.

2/4/10, 17:16
I blogged before about the StackExchange platform for questions and answers.
A few months have passed, and a whopping 218 different “stacks” emerged (there might be some more off the radar). While most of them are still ghost towns, a few are starting to be rather useful (some more and some less):
Regarding my own experience, I am nowhere close to breaking even. Until now, StackExchange has been a free (beta) platform. When it come out of beta, they will start charging $120/month. But, I’m optimistic, and I don’t mind funding Draw3Cards from my own money for the next year – it is picking up in terms of traffic. Meanwhile, I have also done a little bit of development of a similar open source, though I hadn’t perused it beyond a “programming exercise” yet.
Needless to say, the original Trilogy – StackOverflow, SuperUser and ServerFault – continue to be an invaluble assent in programming, using a computer and IT. Rock on!
I just found Shapado, a free, open source hosted version of Stack Exchange. They are taking a lot of heat from some of StackExchange’s users, but I think their existence can only be good news to StackExchange’s users. I probably won’t be switching Draw3Cards to Shapado any time soon because the platform is still not ready (less features, not as smooth), but time will tell.