Fake Sites
Lately I see many sites using common misspelling with similar site design to attract users. Today was the first time I was attacked by one such site.
I was searching my own blog on the net to understand who if at all links to it, and got
this dangerous and misleading site. I saw a supposed link to my blog that looked like this (don’t follow this one):
Clicking it I got a Firefox warning asking if I want to run this “.com” application. Evil bastards.
You, or should I say Firefox, got it all wrong. The address you mentioned actually does bring to proper and legitimate HTML page (it has “Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8” in it’s HTTP header). I’m not entirely sure how Firefox managed to miss that.
12/2/08, 20:14ripper234:
I don’t know what happened, but have you tried clicking on the link from the original site? What I got is an app, and I don’t understand how Fiefox could be confused by this.
12/2/08, 22:27Asaf:
I did both. Don’t understand it either.
12/2/08, 22:30