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Posts tagged ‘Programming’

Java Puzzle – spot the bad code

What’s the most important fault in the following java code (thanks to Roman for both writing and finding the bug :))?

public class Worker extends Runnable {
    public void run() {
            synchronized (emailMessages){
                try {
                }catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
                } finally{

Lock Freedom is overrated (sometimes)

Locking and synchronization is expensive in a multi-threaded environment. When you’re writing a component that should scale to 10K concurrent requests, all your data structures must be lock-free, right?


It is true that if you have a single object that is synchronized in every request, locking that object will severely impact performance when concurrency goes up. However, you should analyze the actual usage pattern and data structures to determine the actual contention.

For instance, suppose you are writing a messaging application, where clients write and read from their respective inboxes. The application as a whole is meant to support 10,000s concurrent clients. The supported operations are writing an object to someone’s inbox, reading objects from a specific inbox, and subscribing to notifications. With this performance profile, it’s seems like a good idea to make the global data structure that maps client’s IDs to inboxes lock-free, otherwise concurrent searches to find a specific inbox will block one another.

However, if any specific inbox is not meant to carry a significant load, there is no harm in implementing the Inbox data structure (that is responsible for one specific Inbox/Message Queue) without restricting yourself to lock-free data structures. Locking when there is no contention is not an expensive operation!

Writing and using lock-free structures is usually harder than locking, except for simple scenarios. In order to maintain class invariants between the different data structures you use, sometimes a lock is simple and effective. You should be familiar with your language’s lock-free options, but don’t be swayed by the hype and “coolness” of lock-freedom, and use it when it’s actually required or where it saves you code. If it complicates your design, try to defer it until you’re convinced you actually need it.

Dealing with Version Branches

At Delver, like many other places, we use version branches to maintain releases. We have one trunk where everything gets integrated, and when we want to stabalize a release version, we create a version branch and do a ‘code freeze’ on this branch. On the version branch, only bug fixes are committed, and no new features are developed.

This process helps us stabilize versions within a matter of days and proceed quickly from trunk to QA to Production.

A problem we experienced with this process was it was hard to make sure all bugfixes were properly merged to trunk. The commonplace practice is to merge all changes from the version branch to trunk at the end of the release cycle (when the version is “frozen”).

There are at least two problems with this approach:

  • First, it is usually one person who is left the ugly task of doing the merge of all these bugfixes that weren’t previously merged, usually in files he didn’t touch and knows nothing about.
  • Second, if there are bugfixes on the version branch after the version is frozen, what is to guarantee they will reach trunk? The sad answer  is “nothing” – we had several regression bugs because people forgot to merge their bugfixes).

Here is our NewAndImprovedProcess™ (as implemented by our very own Sergey Goncharov):

We setup a TeamCity build that monitors all version branches. It runs nightly, and examines the mergeinfo SVN property on all modified files. If it detects files that were committed to the version branch but weren’t merged to trunk, it fails and send an email to the responsible developer. A little convenience feature we sprinkled in was that if you have a change set that you really don’t want to merge to trunk, you can write in the commit note “[NO MERGE]” and the build will ignore this commit (you can also do a ‘recorded merge’, which is the proper SVN way of doing it, although  adding the commit note is faster in a quick-and-dirty way).

Launching Kuzando – a simple task management website

After a few alpha versions, I finish coding the basic features of Kuzando, a simple task management website based on post-its. It is a combination of a calender and a todo list, which doesn’t currently exist in other similar websites.

The code is hosted at Github, and the issue list at Google Code. Also, note that there is a guest account if you want to play with the system (Thanks Anna for the idea).

We currently have 100% user satisfaction, which is to say that Aya (my fiancé, and the one user whom Kuzando was tailored for) is actively using it to plan her schedule at the lab. You’re invited to do the same – if there are some missing features that would make your usage of Kuzando more pleasant, let me know.

On the importance of communication in the workplace

When I just started learning how to program, I thought programming as a profession was about code, design and algorithms – after all, these are the courses that are taught in university, so this must be the most important skills for a programmer, right?


Over the years, I have discovered that effective communication is at least as important, if not more, than the more technical aspects of a programmer’s work (this might be true for other fields, but I can’t really comment about that).

Interpersonal – Top on this list is “being a good and friendly person”. We spend most of our waking hours at work, and progressively fewer of this time is spent on the computer coding. Therefore, you want the people you work with to be … the sort of people you’d like to spend time with (a little self-defining here, but still). Working with someone who’s rude, inconsiderate, or just plain not nice can make the best workplace in the world into the worst.

Responsibility – people you work with, whether team mates, managers or other colleagues, are all a key instrument to your success at your own tasks. Today’s high tech company is a highly chaotic and fast paced environment, in which you are rarely working on some research project all alone in your basement. More often, you are cooperating with other people to create something larger, starting from product managers, tech leads, QA, managers and support. You depend on them for the successful delivery of your work. There’s nothing more annoying than not being able to finish a feature just because some crucial link in this chain neglected his responsibilities.

Email/Face to Face – At most modern organizations, you send and receive dozens of emails every day. Email is very convenient – you can send it without ever leaving your desktop, it’s saved and archived and you use it to reach several people at once. It is also a trap. Some things are better not handled through email or Skype! I cannot stress this issue enough. Countless time have I seen an important process stuck because it was handled via email, and the sender wrongfully assumed that this was enough to make the recipient take the required actions.

When you have something urgent or important, it’s most effective to accompany or replace the email with a face to face conversation. Sometimes all you need to say is “I’ve sent you an email about yada yada, please see the details there because I need it for this and that”. This helps focus the recipient and ensures he’ll take the necessary actions. Another point worth saying about email, is that you should adjust the form of communication to your recipient. Some people can be counted on to reply to most emails within an hour, and to never skip an important email, while others must be ‘nagged’ to repeatedly. If you use Outlook, you should use its reminder system to make sure the emails that are important to you (both outgoing and incoming) get handled.

Avoid long email threads and large recipient lists at any cost! These can serve as announcements, but as soon as such emails turn to discussions, people just tune out and the thread becomes an exercise in uselessness. Identify these wasted keystrokes and instead solve the issues by talking to the key people. If the other party tries to continue a useless email thread, just reply “I’d rather discuss this face to face, it’ll be shorter” for all of us.

When I was young, nobody told me programming was a “people profession”, but the truth is that it really is. What is your opinion?

WarClassLoader – load your classes straight from a war

I was of need of a Java Class Loader that can load classes from within a war file.
It took me a bit to find this – in fact, I found it when I looked for ZipClassLoader (a war file is a zip with a specific folder structure). I found this post, and modified it to take the war folder structure into account:

 * Loads classes from war files. See
public final class WarClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
    private final ZipFile file;
    public WarClassLoader(String filename) throws IOException {
        this.file = new ZipFile(filename);
    protected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        ZipEntry entry = this.file.getEntry("WEB-INF/classes/" + name.replace('.', '/') + ".class");
        if (entry == null) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(name);
        try {
            byte[] array = new byte[1024];
            InputStream in = this.file.getInputStream(entry);
            ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(array.length);
            int length =;
            while (length > 0) {
                out.write(array, 0, length);
                length =;
            return defineClass(name, out.toByteArray(), 0, out.size());
        catch (IOException exception) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(name, exception);

Two notes:

  1. This code isn’t really production grade, as the streams aren’t closed and whatnot
  2. It is missing one critical addition – if the classes in the war depend on the jars that are included within it, this class loader will not be able to load these classes. I managed to work around the problem because I already had all those jars in my classpath anyway, but in principle the code above needs a bit of extension to be able to work with the embedded jars.


The third Alt .Net convention will take place on 26/03 (planning on 25/03).

Read about my impressions from last time, and come register on Facebook. I will not be attending this year because of a ski trip, but you are all encouraged to come.

An open source StackOverflow clone by a n00b web dev

Edit – just so you know, since writing this I found Shapado and OSQA, which seem well underway to becoming viable Stack Exchange alternative. I don’t think I will continue developing this project, although it has taught me a great deal nonetheless.

I wanted to share a small learning exercise I underwent recently. I decided to learn how to build a website, and share the experience here. Lacking an original idea at the moment, I decided to create yet another StackOverflow clone – not original, but a good exercise nonetheless. The code for the project is hosted at GitHub, although I don’t have a live showcase up at the moment. Yes, I am aware a google search reveals an existing open source SO clone called Stacked – I thought building one from scratch might teach me more than reading someone else’s code base (I could be wrong, but this is how I wanted to roll).

Day 1

The choice of database engine was easy: The one database I had any experience with was mysql, and being open source, free and easy to work with, I went with it. Next, an ORM library. After some digging, I’ve decided to go with NHibernate + Castle ActiveRecord. ActiveRecord is great for easily mapping simple classes and relations, and NHibernate to complement it in ‘advanced queries’. I don’t get any LINQ magic from these ORMs, which is a pity. I then proceeded to create a solution and some projects, added NUnit as a test framework, and setup Castle MicroKernel as an IOC framework.

I tried to found an open hosted source CI server, but didn’t find anything that worked. Oh well, not essential for now.

Day 2

Before proceeding any further, I had to choose a source control provider. If this were a production project I would probably have gone with SVN hosted on Google Code. However, Ken told me about Git long ago, and I thought this was a good chance to experience it. So, on to GitHub. Opening the project was a no brainer, but finding a decent client was more challenging. I had some fun learning about Git’s private keys, and configuring TortoiseGit (I tried GitExtensions, but it doesn’t support Visual Studio 2010 beta 2 yet). Overall, TortoiseGit gets the job done, after some tweaking and .gitignore files.

Git’s distributed source control model is interesting and worth a try.

I created the User, Question & Vote tables, learned about composite keys in AR, and wrote my first NH query:

GetVoteCount – “SELECT Vote, COUNT(*) FROM ” + VotesTableName + ” WHERE PostId = :postId GROUP BY vote”

I currently don’t have any caching on the vote count – am simply storing the votes as relations between users and questions, and counting them on the fly.

Day 3

I would like to implement full features, not write the entire DAL first and then the application logic. So, it’s time to start learning about web development. At work people are using Monorail, but after reading this question I decided to try out ASP.Net MVC instead. So, I read a basic tutorial and starting coding. Some things I learned:

  1. I finally got the meaning of Global.asax.cs – it’s simply the ‘main’ of the web application.
  2. By default, ASP.Net MVC creates the controllers by itself and does not support IOC. Fixed (remember to setup the Controller’s lifestyle as LifeStyle.PerWebRequest).
  3. Some Asp.Net MVC basics:
    1. Use <%= … %> to write to the output stream (that gets sent as the HTML), and <% %> to simply execute code.
    2. Use Html.RenderAction() to create links to other pages (~= Actions)
    3. Your pages are butt ugly without tweaking the CSS

Day 4

  • I quickly caught myself duplicating code, and turned to learn about Partial Views, which are reusable View pieces.
  • I realized that having my model entities derive from ActiveRecordBase is damn ugly, because it makes my entire application dependant on AR even if I was using repositories to access the data. I switched the repositories to using ActiveRecordMediator instead.
  • The magic that is ReturnUrl – an extra request parameter that controllers use to return you to your original page after you login.
  • An interesting usage for anonymous object creation syntax in C#, to pass query parameters: new { ReturnUrl = “foo”}
  • I decide to create a base class for all my controllers – UserAwareController. This was needed because every controller needs to access the current user, so I put all this logic in the UserAwareController base class.
  • Since every View needs the User to render, I created a Model base class that contains the current user. I’m not sure if this is the best way to go here, but it worked (what are your recommended best practices to store the user data?)
  • I implemented OpenID login using DotNetOpenAuth, and it was quite a breeze. No need to store user credentials, just store his public open id and let other websites handle the authentication for you.

Day 5

After allowing users to login and post questions, the next thing I wanted to implement was voting. So far all the code was server-side, but voting requires javascript because when a user votes you don’t want to refresh the page, but rather just change the vote icon. So:

  • I learned about jquery basics and wrote events to handle clicking the voting buttons.
  • Sent the vote information to a dedicated controller using JSON. The way JSON requests translate to controller methods is really seamless.
  • Initially I had an ‘AddVote’ method, but quickly switched to ‘UpdateVote’, which makes more sense.
  • Some css tweaks to make the cursor change to a pointer while on the voting buttons

Day 6

  • I finally had to cache vote count on questions & answers. The total vote count / score of a question has to be indexed, because we’ll have pages that get the ‘hottest posts’, and so keeping the User-Question vote relation is not enough.
  • So far, all my entities were strictly mapped to database rows. Now, I had to create a new ‘rich entity’ that contained a post and the current users’ vote on this post.
  • Finding myself duplicating logic between questions & answers, I create a Post base class and factored the entities and repositories to work on abstract posts.

This is it for now. I hope I didn’t make too many glaring mistakes in the process. As I mentioned, the code is available at GitHub – if you’re interested in helping develop it or have any questions, please let me know.