Pimp my blog
I just installed the Pimp My WordPress plugin, go here is you want to see an updated list of installed plugins.
Ron Gross' blog 2007-2015
Posts tagged ‘blogging’
I just installed the Pimp My WordPress plugin, go here is you want to see an updated list of installed plugins.
Since I moved to my own host I played with a few useful tools.
What tools do you use?
Also, I just saw my old pagerank of 4 is gone now, because I have no direct links to this blog, just to the old Blogger one (well, was to be expected). I’d appreciate it if any of you with incoming blogroll links update to the new website (yeah I know, I should start a blogroll as well … someday).
Heroes season 3 appears to be less bad than season 2.
I’ve been wanting to do this for sometime now, and just now got the will & time to move from my old blogspot blog.
I don’t like Blogger anymore. They do not respond at all to support questions, and the automatic method of transferring my blog to a purchased domain failed miserably, even though I bought the domain through Blogger itself!
I contemplated between WordPress and dasBlog as my blogging platform. dasBlog is written in ASP.Net / C#, which is inherently better (and more familiar to me) than PHP, in which WordPress is written. However, I already installed and customized a WordPress installation, and I found on Google 220M references to wordpress vs only 790K references to dasBlog. A rich user base is often reason enough to choose a product over a similar competitor, and since it works rather well and has tons of plugins I’ve decided to stick with it – I don’t think I’ll be spending huge amounts of times debugging and customizing my blog anyway (besides stealing Eli‘s simple anti-SPAM challenge).
Aya met a baby and her mother on a train the other week. It appears the 5 months old baby has a blog, where “she” puts pictures of people she’s met.
I wonder – when she’s actually grown enough to read/write, what kind of pagerank will she have (I’m guessing a direct correlation between the lifetime of the blog to the blog’s pagerank). Here is my minor contribution 🙂
Hello guys, today we have several topics:
Shared Items
I finally really settled on Google Reader instead of a desktop feed reader. The advantage of being able to read RSS everywhere without any hassle outweigh the downsides. Also I get the benefit of easily exporting a Feed of Shared Items (both RSS and Email.
I think I will stop/reduce posting links to interesting items that I find on my RSS and instead just mark them as shared, so if you want to keep using my information filtering services be sure to register 🙂
In addition, here is a link to all previously shared items.
Google Notebook
If you’ve recently Googled you may have seen the “Note this” added to every link.
It’s a useful new very useful. Upon clicking it copies the current content of said web page into your Google Notebook, a cool service that organizes your web clippings.
It opens up right on your search result page and has a full page interface as well.
Unfuddle free SVN hosting
If you’re doing any non-trivial software assignment with partners, you should consider using source control. So far, I’ve used source control for large projects of course, but never in an assignment from Technion – back when I was an undergraduate student I was largely oblivious to source control and I didn’t take any programming courses in my 2nd degree – until now. Now I actually have a few non-trivial homeworks at Managing Data on the WWW (writing an http proxy is one of them), and so far I didn’t take up the trouble of setting up a source control. Well, it appears it is no hassle at all, at Unfuddle you can setup a project page, SVN server, RSS and email updates on checkins, project management and more in less than 5 minutes and no cost. Unlike some alternatives, putting your code there doesn’t mean it’s now open source and free to the world, you get control over who accesses your code.
Woo Hoo!
I just got the first confirmed reader of my blog which is not someone I know – Mord Shtern (he receives a link to his blog as a modest reward).
I took this chance to look at some Feedburner stats, and there seems to be a jump in reader count since last month.
This might have something to do with the fact that Yoav shared many of my recent posts as interesting in his blog and/or the fact that Zeirman mentioned me and my post about real time strategy games.
Thanks guys 🙂
If you survived this self-absorbed post you get something in return:
Saw this one a long time ago, but now I finally have a blog so I can spread the fun.
Someone should graph this one. Whoops, they have.
I wonder how common this phenomenon is.