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Posts tagged ‘ASP’

Hello WordPress!

I’ve been wanting to do this for sometime now, and just now got the will & time to move from my old blogspot blog.

I don’t like Blogger anymore. They do not respond at all to support questions, and the automatic method of transferring my blog to a purchased domain failed miserably, even though I bought the domain through Blogger itself!

I contemplated between WordPress and dasBlog as my blogging platform. dasBlog is written in ASP.Net / C#, which is inherently better (and more familiar to me) than PHP, in which WordPress is written. However, I already installed and customized a WordPress installation, and I found on Google 220M references to wordpress vs only 790K references to dasBlog. A rich user base is often reason enough to choose a product over a similar competitor, and since it works rather well and has tons of plugins I’ve decided to stick with it – I don’t think I’ll be spending huge amounts of times debugging and customizing my blog anyway (besides stealing Eli‘s simple anti-SPAM challenge).

Problems using WaitFor/ASP

Update – eventually I just ditched the whole murky setup and instead used a jsp script. Because sleep() is an integral part of java, it works much better (significantly more consistently) than the ASP-COM integration.

For testing, we need to create an ASP page that simply writes “1” every second.
There is no Sleep() method in ASP, so we used an external COM object called WaitFor.

We had some problems using it out of the box, so my friend Pasha volunteered to help clear up the COM mess. Here is his solution (that worked), in his words:

Deploy the girlie-man WaitFor object:

  1. a. register object using regsvr32.exe c:\tests\waitfor.dll
  2. create empty application in component services
    1. choose type “server application”
    2. give it a meaningful name (like “pasha”, “black cock down” etc.)
    3. define for your application under “properties->identity” to run with some service account (e.g. semingo\integration)
  3. add the component you registered (waitfor.dll) to the application you’ve just created:
    1. choose “install components that are already registered”
    2. check “32-bit registry”
    3. find your component